
Leveraging its support in the advertising world, Population First instituted the National Creative Excellence Awards in 2007 with the support of UNFPA. These awards were instituted with a view to creatively engage the advertising professionals in developing appropriate communication and campaign material for campaigns against the pre-birth sex selection.



NCEA Reports

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1st edition of NCEA

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2nd edition of NCEA

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As an advocacy organization, we are constantly keeping ourselves updated with relevant information. We conduct research studies and publish reports/books so that we can share it with you. The information under this section and across this website is accessible for you to use. However, we would appreciate if you give due credit to Population First in your references to the information used. We also look forward to a constructive feedback to help us develop meaningful and useful communication materials in future.

As an advocacy organization, we are constantly keeping ourselves updated with relevant information. We conduct research studies and publish reports/books so that we can share it with you. The information under this section and across this website is accessible for you to use. However, we would appreciate if you give due credit to Population First in your references to the information used. We also look forward to a constructive feedback to help us develop meaningful and useful communication materials in future.

Gender Frames

The Flip Side

There is comfort in sticking to the stereotypes and widely accepted norms, be it in our day to day living or in our writing. Moving beyond the comfort of the familiar and accepted takes courage and conviction. If we look around with an open mind, we are bound to find a gender angle behind every story, as men and women get impacted differently by patriarchy and their own gender identities.
This compilation of award-winning entries from the 11th round of the Laadli Media and Advertising Awards 2021 provides us with the flipside of the social reality, exposing the fissures in the society, the inherent gender biases and the deep-seated misogyny and patriarchy, and looks at the world through the eyes of women and other marginalized groups.
The stories represent different formats- articles, features, editorials, blogs etc written for print, electronic and web media. The articles cover a wide range of topics from across the nation reflecting the diverse socio-economic strata of the country.
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Gender Frames

Her Stories

The world is often seen through the eyes of the man, stories have typically been told from his perspective and it is this narrative that determines and shapes the society's values and our behaviour norms. We as women are also co-opted into this patriarchal framework and are equally involved in perpetrating it, knowingly and unknowingly.
When we become conscious of our internalized biases, we begin to see the world differently. We move beyond gender binaries, stereotypes and celebrate diversity. We shift from our entitled positions and understand the world from the perspective of the oppressed, the marginalized, invisiblized and the stigmatized people.

Her Stories brings to you a selection of the award-winning stories from the 10th edition of the Laadli Media and Adverting Awards for Gender Sensitivity, 2020. We see this compilation as a great resource for the media teachers for initiating gender conversations in the classrooms. Our sincere wish is for Her Stories to reach far and wide and help media persons get a better grasp on the nuances of gender sensitive portrayals in reporting and programming.
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Gender Frames

Facilitating Gender Debates in the Classroom

These modules aim at developing facilitation skills of teachers to address gender issues in colleges. Facilitation skills are very different from teaching and training skills and we need to equip our teachers with the same if we are to proactively work on making our curricula and institutions gender sensitive. The modules have been prepared by Dr. A.L. Sharada, Nita Shirali, Dr. Gita Chadha, Prof. Veena Poonacha and Prof. Vibhuti Patel. It covers Gender and Patriarchy, Feminist Methodology, Women and Media and Gender Violence.
This kit is an effort to provide such material within a humanist gender studies perspective.
Aims and Objectives:

  • To sensitize teachers, across disciplines, to the concepts of gender in order that they can make it relevant for male and female students.

  • To keep the focus on the inequality and power question in patriarchies.

  • To provide perspectives and resource material for the classroom that will work with young people

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Gender Frames

Gender Frames

A look at the featured work shows that even in the most difficult and cynical times there is hope. There is hope because there are many who are being true to their profession, showing great sensitivity and compassion, raising critical questions about gender inequalities, discrimination and violence. Each one tells a story, raises an issue, questions the current state of affairs and shows mirror to the misogyny, biases and discrimination that pervade our country. Gender Frames thus affirms the aim of Laadli Media Advocacy to create an environment where gender sensitivity in reporting and programming is pursued as a core journalistic value.
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Gender Frames

Breaking News

This compilation of articles reports on various issues pertinent to the conversation on gender in India like women and conflict zones, concerns of working women and an entire section on reporting on the rights of LGBTQ+.
These articles have contributed to the dialogue on gender equality, deepened our understanding of the prevalent discriminatory practices in society and highlighted the lacunae in the programmes implemented by the State.
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Gender Frames

Through the Gender Lens

The media persons represented in Through Gender Lens cut across different types of media organizations – from national newspapers and TV channels to regional publications to community newspapers and radio. The stories from regions facing insurgency, Naxalism and armed conflict are particularly riveting as they give us an insight in to their impact on women and their lives.
The articles and features showcase how events, incidents, progammes, policies and data could be analyzed using a gender lens. They demonstrate the role of the media as the watch dog, the conscience keeper and the change maker. The insights they bring out are thought provoking and the stories they narrate are inspiring and at times heart rending.
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Gender Frames

Sense and Sensitivity

Sense and Sensitivity is a collection of 80 award winning stories of Laadli Media and Advertising Awards for Gender Sensitivity. Edited by Dolly Thakore, this book gives you an insight into the problem and understanding of the plight that plagues the girl child. This is a book about Media’s Engagement with Gender Issues.
Gender Frames

Missing Half the Story

Through examples from the media, and from their own experiences, the contributors explain the concept of gender-sensitive journalism and look at a series of subjects that journalists have to cover - sexual assault, environment, development, business, politics, health, disasters, conflict –
and set out a simple way of integrating a gendered lens into day-to-day journalism. Written by Kalpana Sharma in a non-academic, accessible style, this book is possibly the first of its kind in India – one that attempts to inject a gender perspective into journalism.
Gender Frames


Its all started 10 years ago. Many rounds of deliberations and much determination led to the first signs of Laadli. What sparked off as an idea, soon took on a life of its own.
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Sense & Sensitivity

Information Kit

While advocating against pre-birth sex selection, it was noticed that; in a bid to stop pre-birth sex selection, safe abortion was being stigmatized. Women’s access to safe abortion services should be recognized in the purview of their reproductive rights. With a view to sensitize the media and the Elected Representatives towards issues of access to safe abortion, Population First in joint collaboration with Ipas has developed the Information Kit titled ‘Redefining the Lines: What you should know about safe abortion and pre-birth sex selection.’
Information Kit comprises of technical information on Abortion and Sex Selection, FAQs, Legal aspects, Style Guide for Media, further readings and list of resource persons and organizations active in area of Safe Abortion and Sex selection. There are two separate kits for media and elected representatives.

Information Kits
To obtain any of these publications kindly write to us at

As an advocacy organization, we are constantly keeping ourselves updated with relevant information. We conduct research studies and publish reports/books so that we can share it with you. The information under this section and across this website is accessible for you to use. However, we would appreciate if you give due credit to Population First in your references to the information used. We also look forward to a constructive feedback to help us develop meaningful and useful communication materials in future.

Myths and Misconceptions about Abortion

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Facts on Sex Selection

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FAQs on Sex Selection

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Teen Pregnancies and Abortions

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As an advocacy organization, we are constantly keeping ourselves updated with relevant information. We conduct research studies and publish reports/books so that we can share it with you. The information under this section and across this website is accessible for you to use. However, we would appreciate if you give due credit to Population First in your references to the information used. We also look forward to a constructive feedback to help us develop meaningful and useful communication materials in future.

Each of our merchandise products are exclusive, well researched and affordable. Please note each of the products is engraved with a special message of what Population First strongly believes in. These messages on each merchandise product will resonate your thoughts on "Gender Sensitivity and Equality", hence each purchase will showcase your support, by using it more often each of you will be creating an awareness and promoting Population First silently among your friends, families and peer group.

Merchandise Gallery

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Canvas Bag

Price 200₹

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Canvas Bag

Price 200₹

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Price 60₹

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Fridge Magnet

Price 50₹

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Price 125₹

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Price 125₹

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T- Shirts

Price 350₹

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Price 50₹

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Price 50₹

All the merchandise are available for sale "on order" basis. On ordering the merchandise we shall get in touch with you regarding the prices and the payment process. We only take bulk orders , minimum order of 100 units. The delivery of the merchandise will take 15 to 21 working days or more depending on the order size and the logistics associated with it.

Audited Reports

Audit Report 2023-2024

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Audit Report 2022-2023

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Audit Report 2021-2022

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Audit Report 2020-2021

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Audit Report 2019-2020

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Laadli Media Awards Brochures

LMA- National Brochure 2009-10

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LMA- National Brochure 2010-11

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LMA- National Brochure 2011-12

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LMA- National Brochure 2012-13

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LMA- National Brochure 2013-14

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LMA- National Brochure 2014-15

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LMA- National Brochure 2015-16

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LMA- National Brochure 2017

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Other Documents

1st International day of Girl Child - 1MM Question Everything

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1st Edition of Legends For Laadli

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2nd Edition of Legends For Laadli

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Documentation report on Laadli Initiatives 2012-13

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White Paper- May 2018

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Style Guide (Media Guidelines)

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Impact Report for Vashind Beat 2018-2020

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Annual Report 2019-2020

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Annual Report 2020-2021

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As an advocacy organization, we are constantly keeping ourselves updated with relevant information. We conduct research studies and publish reports/books so that we can share it with you. The information under this section and across this website is accessible for you to use. However, we would appreciate if you give due credit to Population First in your references to the information used. We also look forward to a constructive feedback to help us develop meaningful and useful communication materials in future.